
Edits an already existing button.


$editButton[Button ID/URL;Label;Style;(Disabled;Emoji;Message ID)]


  • Button ID/URL (Type: String, URL || Flag: Required): The required button ID or URL, you want to be edited.
  • Label (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The new label displayed on the button.
  • Style (Type: Enum || Flag: Required): The style of the button. All styles are listed below.
  • Disabled (Type: Bool || Flag: Vacantable): If set to yes, the button can’t be pressed. Default is no.
  • Emoji (Type: Emoji || Flag: Vacantable): Edits / Adds an emoji inside the button. Emojis have to be either pasted as Unicode or be in the following format <:emoji name:emoji ID>.
  • Message ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Vacantable): Adds a button to the provided message ID. It’s important to note that provided message ID author has to be the bot.

Button Style

Buttons can have different styles (background colors). Here, are all possible values for the style function argument.

  • primary - Blue button
  • secondary - Gray button
  • success - Green button
  • danger - Red button
  • link - Redirect button
Buttons: Primary Primary Success Success Danger Danger Secondary Secondary Other Buttons: Link Link Emoji


Interaction command code

$username said hello!
$editButton[test;Say hello!;primary;yes;]
$addButton[no;http://botdesignerdiscord.com;Check our website;link;no;👀]

For more info, see the Buttons Guide.