
Edits an already existing button.


$editButton[Button ID/URL;Label;Style;(Disabled;Emoji;Message ID)]


  • Button ID/URL (Type: String, URL || Flag: Required): The required button ID or URL, you want to be edited.
  • Label (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The new label displayed on the button.
  • Style (Type: Enum || Flag: Required): The style of the button. All styles are listed below.
  • Disabled (Type: Bool || Flag: Vacantable): If set to yes, the button can't be pressed. Default is no.
  • Emoji (Type: Emoji || Flag: Vacantable): Edits / Adds an emoji inside the button. Emojis have to be either pasted as Unicode or be in the following format <:emoji name:emoji ID>.
  • Message ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Vacantable): Adds a button to the provided message ID. It's important to note that provided message ID author has to be the bot.

Button styles

  • primary - Blue button
  • secondary - Gray button
  • success - Green button
  • danger - Red button
  • link - Redirect button

If the link style is used, the button won't send any interactions!




Interaction command code

$username said hello!
$editButton[test;Say hello!;primary;yes;]
$addButton[no;http://botdesignerdiscord.com;Check our website;link;no;👀]

For more info, see the Buttons Guide.