
If value1 is related accordingly (based on the “sign”) with value2 then the code runs. If not, the provided error message is returned.


$onlyIf[Condition;Error message]


  • Condition (Type: String || Flag: Required): The condition to check (e.g. value1!=value2).
  • Error message (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): The message to return when the condition isn’t true.


  • == - Equal
  • != - Not Equal
  • < - Less Than
  • > - Greater Than
  • <= - Less Than Or Equal To
  • >= - Greater Than Or Equal To

⚠️ The signs <, >, <= and >= only work with numbers.


Equal (==)

$onlyIf[$message[1]==BDFD;❌ The first argument of your message must be "BDFD"!]

Not Equal (!=)

$onlyIf[$message[1]!=BDFD;❌ The first argument of your message can't be "BDFD"!]

Less Than (<)

$onlyIf[$message[1]<3000;❌ The number must be less than 3000!]

Greater Than (>)

$onlyIf[$message[1]>3000;❌ The number must be greater than 3000!]

Less Than Or Equal To (<=)

$onlyIf[$message[1]<=50000;❌ The number must be less than or qual to 50000!]

Greater Than Or Equal To (>=)

$onlyIf[$message[1]>=50000;❌ The number must be greater than or qual to 50000!]