
Adds a new select menu option to an existing select menu.


$addSelectMenuOption[Menu option ID;Label;Value;Description;(Default?;Emoji;Message ID)]


  • Menu option ID (Type: String || Flag: Required): The ID used in $newSelectMenu[].
  • Label (Type: String || Flag: Required): The name of the option.
  • Value (Type: String || Flag: Required): It’s the data that gets passed to the $onInteraction[] callback. The value has to be unique in the select menu!
  • Description (Type: String || Flag: Emptiable): A text which shows up under the Label.
  • Default? (Type: Bool || Flag: Vacantable): Whether the option should be selected by default or not. Defaults to no. (yes/no) There can be only one default option!
  • Emoji (Type: Emoji || Flag: Vacantable): The emoji that shows up next to the Label.
  • Message ID (Type: String || Flag: Vacantable): The ID of a message that should have a new select menu option added to an existing select menu. By default it’s the bot’s response.


$newSelectMenu[Example;1;1;Choose some option]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;First;first-option;The first option]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;Second;second-option;The second option]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;Third;third-option;The third option]


For more info, see the Select Menu Guide.