
Deletes the provided amount of messages.


$clear[Amount;(User ID;Remove pinned messages?)]


  • Amount (Type: Integer || Flag: Required): The amount of messages to delete. (maximal 100)
  • User ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Vacantable): If a user ID is provided, the bot will only delete messages from that user.
  • Remove pinned messages? (Type: Bool || Flag: Optional): Decides whether to delete pinned messages or not. The default is yes.

📌 Discord doesn't allow deleting messages in bulk which are over 2 weeks old.


Required permissions that the bot must have for this function to work properly:

  • managemessages


$onlyPerms[managemessages;You need the 'MANAGE_MESSAGES' permission to use that!]
$argsCheck[>1;Please provide how many messages to clear. Usage: !purge (number)]