
Edits a select menu.

You can edit the select menu option with $editSelectMenuOption[].


$editSelectMenu[Menu ID;Min;Max;(Placeholder;Message ID)]


  • Menu ID (Type: String || Flag: Required): The ID of the select menu you want to edit.
  • Min (Type: Integer || Flag: Required): The minimum amount of values that can be selected.
  • Max (Type: Integer || Flag: Required): The maximum amount of values that can be selected.
  • Placeholder (Type: String || Flag: Vacantable): The text that appears if no option is selected.
  • Message ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Optional): The message for which a select menu will be edited.


Interaction Code

$editSelectMenu[Example;1;1;Choose some option 😀]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;First;first-option;The first option]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;Second;second-option;The second option]
$addSelectMenuOption[Example;Third;third-option;The third option]


For more info, see the Select Menu Guide.