
In this section, you’ll learn how to integrate threads in your bot.

Make sure your bot has SEND_MESSAGES_IN_THREADS permission.


Functions Used > Archive Duration > $startThread[] > $editThread[] > $threadAddMember[] > $threadRemoveMember[] > Simple Code

Functions Used

Archive Duration

60 - 1 Hour
1440 - 1 Day
4320 - 3 Days (Only for servers with level 1 boosted)
10080 - 7 Days (Only for servers with level 2 boosted)


Creates a new thread in the provided channel.


$startThread[Thread name;Channel ID;Message ID;(Archive duration;Return thread ID?)]

Required permissions that the bot must have for this function to work properly:

  • createpublicthreads


  • Thread name (Type: String || Flag: Required): The name of the newly created thread.
  • Channel ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The channel where the thread will be created.
  • Message ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Emptiable): The message from which the thread will be created. Can be left empty.
  • Archive duration (Type: Integer || Flag: Optional): The archive duration after which the thread will be auto-archived due to inactivity. Defaults to 60.
  • Return thread ID? (Type: Bool || Flag: Optional): Whether to return the thread channel ID or not. Defaults to no.


I created a new thread! <#$startThread[Cool Thread;$channelID;;1440;yes]>
!example BDFD Support Started a thread: Cool Thread. See all threads. I created a new thread! Cool Thread


Modifies an existing thread.


$editThread[Thread ID;(Thread name;Archived?;Archive duration;Locked?;Slowmode)]


  • Thread ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The thread channel to edit.
  • Thread name (Type: String || Flag: Optional): The new name of the thread.
  • Archived? (Type: Bool || Flag: Optional): Whether to archive this thread or not.
  • Archive duration (Type: Integer || Flag: Optional): The archive duration after which the thread will be auto-archived due to inactivity. Defaults to 60.
  • Locked? (Type: Bool || Flag: Optional): Whether to lock this thread or not. Note that archived threads can’t be locked.
  • Slowmode (Type: Integer || Flag: Optional): The slowmode of this channel, expressed in seconds.

Use !unchanged as an argument for the option to remain in its current state.


$editThread[1098166444111433819;Cool Thread 😎;no;!unchanged;!unchanged;5]
!example BDFD Support changed the channel name: Cool Thread 😎


Adds a user to a thread.


$threadAddMember[Thread ID;User ID]


  • Thread ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The ID of the thread channel to add the user to.
  • User ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The user to add to the thread.


  • In the thread:
BDFD Support added RainbowKey to the thread.


Removes a user from a thread.


$threadRemoveMember[Thread ID;User ID]


  • Thread ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The ID of the thread channel to remove the user from.
  • User ID (Type: Snowflake || Flag: Required): The user to remove from the thread.


  • In the thread:
BDFD Support removed RainbowKey from the thread.

Simple Code

$var[id;$startThread[Cool Thread;$channelID;;1440;yes]]
New thread - <#$var[id]>
!example BDFD Support Started a thread: Cool Thread. See all threads. New thread - Cool Thread
  • In the thread:
BDFD Support added RainbowKey to the thread.

If you want to learn more about threads, read Discord’s support article.